Grass-Fed Bovine Whole Colostrum Powder & Supplement


$36.95 - $62.95
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Support your immune system! Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by all mammalian mothers for the first few days after giving birth. (Its composition is very different than milk and most people with milk allergies have no problem with it.)

Support your immune system!

Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by all mammalian mothers for the first few days after giving birth. (Its composition is very different than milk and most people with milk allergies have no problem with it.) Colostrum collected from healthy cows has been found to have many immune and growth factors that may be helpful in promoting human health.

TBR Labs' colostrum naturally contains a broad range of amazing immune boosters: immunoglobulins, your first line of defense (IgA, IgG), hormones, enzymes, growth factors, peptides, vitamins and trace minerals. Together these nutritional compounds may help to powerfully boost the immune system. Bovine colostrum has been used to accelerate healing and recovery from injuries, reduce inflammation, balance mood, build lean muscle mass, and increase energy.

Bovine colostrum supplements may also aid in digestive health. It contains special synergizing nutrients which are helpful for stimulating tissue repair, particularly that of the intestinal lining. For this reason, research suggests that colostrum can help significantly with intestinal permeability and irritable bowel syndrome, and that it promotes the re-growth and re-colonization of beneficial bacteria in the bowel.

This colostrum is unique.

Bovine colostrum supplements have become more and more popular in recent years due to an increasing demand for their immunity-building and digestive health benefits. Unfortunately however, not all colostrum products are created with an equal amount of care and respect.

Today many companies alter colostrum in ways that make the nutritional label look more impressive and "marketable." Some manufacturers strip the fat out of the colostrum and add artificial immunoglobulins. Other companies offer a liposomal delivery system, which means that the colostrum has been sprayed with a lipid additive. Resulting products may appear to have a higher percentage of IgGs or lactoferrin, but we believe that the stripping of fat renders colostrum almost useless.

These trends are interesting for a couple of reasons. Processed colostral products may serve a purpose, but the thing that differentiates TBR Labs Colostrum from the others on the market is that it is delicately handled to stay as natural as possible.

This TBR Labs' colostrum is the best Mother Nature has to offer. It is created with care, and without monkeying around and trying to tweak the product in a lab. TBR Labs Colostrum is not stripped of fat which means that it can be made in smaller and fresher batches. This colostrum is also not fractionated either, because we feel that its natural design is perfect.

TBR Labs Colostrum is unfiltered, whole, and complete! It is tested to be antibiotic free, hormone free, and pesticide free. The colostrum is humanely collected from USDA Grade A dairies in the southwestern United States where the cows can be grass-fed year round. That's why we believe this colostrum is superior. These bovine colostrum supplements are available in powder or capsules.

Key Features

  • Authentic 100% first-milking bovine colostrum supplement
  • Grass-fed whole colostrum - unfiltered and non-defatted
  • Tested to be antibiotic free, hormone free and pesticide free
  • Made without additives or preservatives
  • From cows that can be grass-fed year round
  • Rich in immune factors including IgG and lactoferrin
  • High in protein and essential fatty acids
  • Every batch is tested for purity, quality, and potency

*Please note that the label design for the colostrum capsules has changed. The bottle has a new look, but inside you will find the same great product.


Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 scoop

Servings Per Container 110 g:66

Servings Per Container 200 g:132

  Amount Per Serving %Daily Value
Calories 5  
Protein 1 g 2%
Bovine Colostrum 1500 mg *

** Percent Daily Value are based on a 2000 calorie diet
* Daily Value not established

Suggested use: Adults and Children: (12 years of age and older) 1 teaspoon or 1 scoop twice daily on an empty stomach with 8 oz of water.

Advanced use: Double adult dose

Advanced use: Double adult dose

Children: (6 to 12 years of age) 1 teaspoon or 1 scoop once daily on an empty stomach with 8 oz of water.

Children: (Under 6 years of age) Consult your healthcare professional.

Topical Use:To sustain a normal healthy healing environment, apply powder directly to minor abrasions, cuts, irritated skin, and sensitive areas of the mouth associated with gingivitis, sensitive teeth & gums, mouth sores, and fever sores.

180 Capsules

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 3 Capsules

Servings Per Container:60

  Amount Per Serving %Daily Value
Calories 5  
Bovine Colostrum 1500 mg *
Growth Factors (IGF1, TGF b2,EGF,PDGF)   *
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA)   *
Lactoferrin   *
Proline Rich Polypeptides   *
Protein 1 g 2%

** Percent Daily Value are based on a 2000 calorie diet
* Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: gelatin capsules

Recommended Use:

Adults and Children (12 years of age and older): Take 3 colostrum capsules 2 times daily on an empty stomach. Double or triple the dosage if the body is sick or stressed

Children (up to 12 years of age): Take 3 colostrum capsules daily on an empty stomach. Empty contents of capsules into yogurt or juice if swallowing capsules is difficult.


TBR Labs colostrum is collected exclusively from US Grade A dairies. Every batch is tested for purity, quality and potency and is shown to contanin NO Less than 20% lgG, 21% PRP's, 2.8 ppm lGF-1, 45% Protein, 10% Essential Fatty Acids.

Antibiotic & Hormone Free:

Allergens: Contains milk, milk derived proteins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does it contain casein?

A. Yes, the casein content of colostrum is the same as that in regular milk. However, the peptides in colostrum temper allergic reactions by regulating the production of TH2 cytokines, and thus preventing the production of IgG antibodies from the casein. While many people with dairy intolerances tolerate colostrum well, it is important to check with your health care provider before taking this product if you have allergy concerns.

Q. Can I take colostrum if I'm lactose intolerant?

A. Colostrum is a food containing extremely low levels of lactose. So low in fact that most individuals with lactose issues should not experience difficulty with colostrum. Some have even reported that they no longer have lactose intolerance issues. It's critical however that the colostrum being consumed is 100% "first-milking" colostrum collected within the first 16 hours after birth. It should also be colostrum that is unprocessed, never defatted or with added ingredients.

Q. Can children take colostrum as well?

A. Absolutely! Remember, colostrum is a whole food . It can be a great form of supplementation for helping children have healthy immune systems and provides the nutrition for successful development of their other essential systems.

Q. Are there any added ingredients?

A. The powdered version has nothing added. The capsules contain kosher gelatin.

Q. Is the colostrum hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free?

A. Yes, the colostrum is produced from dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free.

Q. Does the harvesting of the colostrum mean that the calves are deprived?

A. The calves receive enough colostrum, typically about 2 quarts, for their own needs. Since the mother cow will have several gallons available, the remaining colostrum is used to make this colostrum product. Calves are never deprived of all they need as no dairy farmer could risk their cows' health.

Q. Should I refrigerate it?

A. No. Refrigeration is not necessary.

Q. Where is it sourced and is it organic?

A. Becoming "certified organic" is extremely expensive for farmers. You can be assured that TBR colostrum is tested to be antibiotic free, hormone free, and pesticide free and currently all of the colostrum is collected from USDA Grade A dairies in the southwest (temperate climate) to ensure that cows can be grass fed year round.

Q. How much should I take and how should I take it?

A. The recommended serving is 1/2 tsp twice per day mixed with water or 3 capsules on an empty stomach.

7 Reviews

  • Great

    Dec 19th 2012 | By Debra Jones


    I think this colostrum is great. I have also been giving it to my 10 year old autistic daughter and it has helped her also. I only wish that I had ordered the 6.5 oz the first order but I was afraid it would not be a good product.

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