Featured Speakers:
- Russ Bianchi, PhD, expert on high fructose corn syrup
- Leslie Bradshaw, producer of The Greater Good
- Jerry Brunetti, soil and animal health specialist
- Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome
- Jules Klapper, expert on dirty electricity
- Monica Corrado, holistic nutrition and food educator
- Thomas Cowan, MD, author of Fourfold Path to Healing
- Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story
- Robert Disney, environmental scientist
- Jacques Goulet, PhD, expert on trace minerals
- Kathy Kramer, CN, WAPF Office Manager
- Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
- Christy Hemenway, expert on beekeeping
- Lolin Hilgartner, DC, of the Seven Essential Dynamics of Health
- Peter Hilgartner DC, of the Seven Essential Dynamics of Health
- Kimberly Hartke, WAPF publicist and real food blogger
- Paul Jaminet, PhD, author of The Perfect Health Diet
- Sharon Kane, expert on gluten-free baking
- Datis Kharrazian, DC, author of Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?
- Liz Lipski, MS, CCN, author of Digestive Wellness
- Hugh Lovel, authority on biodynamics
- Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
- Richard Maurer, MD, metabolism expert
- Mark McAfee, CEO, Organic Pastures Dairy
- Judith McGeary, Esq, founder Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
- Joe Mercola, DO, author of The No-Grain Diet
- Denise Minger, China Study debunker
- Pentti Nupponen, DMD, holistic dentist
- Sally Pacholok, RN, co-author of Could It Be B12?
- Sarah Pope, of The Healthy Home Economist blog
- Ben Pratt, author of Nutrition’s Playground
- Jessica Prentice, author of Full Moon Feast
- Tara Rayburn, the Healthy Habit Coach
- April Renée, vaccination expert
- Morton Satin, PhD, director of research, The Salt Institute
- Michael Schmidt, Canadian raw milk activist
- Pam Schoenfeld, RD, expert on vitamin B6
- Stephanie Seneff, PhD, authority on sulfur and human health
- Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, author of Surviving Mold
- Jeffrey Stuart, DO, co-author of Could It Be B12?
- Matt Stone, author of 180 Degree Nutrition
- Harvey Ussery, author of The Small Scale Poultry Flock
- Howard Vlieger, expert on GMO dangers
- Alan Yegerlehner, expert on integrated farming
- David Wetzel, expert on cod liver oil
- Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
- Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock