Pure Radiance Vitamin C Capsules & Powder | Radiant Life

Pure Radiance C

$27.00 - $30.00
(19) Write a Review

Bursting with the proven goodness of fresh herbs and fruits, Pure Radiance Vitamin C combines timeless nutritional wisdom with modern innovation.

Please note the manufacturer has chosen to eliminate the plastic neck bands and cotton from all pure synergy products.

Key Features:

  • Made from organic and wildcrafted whole foods
  • Easily absorbed & gentle on the digestive system
  • Packed with highly bioavailable nutrients
  • Balanced with natural co-factors
  • Ingredients are sourced using sustainable techniques
  • No additives, fillers, corn, gluten or synthetic ascorbic acid

A vitamin C that's purely from nature.

To see how Pure Radiance C is so fundamentally different from other vitamin C supplements, all you have to do is unscrew the lid or open a capsule. Instead of being an unnaturally bright white like synthetic crystals of vitamin C, Pure Radiance C is a radiant mixture of tans, pinks and golds. What you're seeing is a vibrant, living blend of wildcrafted camu camu, and organic amla, acerola, blueberries, raspberries, lemons, cranberries, cherries, rose hips, and sprouts- 100% natural sources of vitamin C. And unlike isolated ascorbic acid powders, which have been chemically synthesized in a laboratory, Pure Radiance C provides all the well-researched, immune-supporting phytonutrients that only accompany genuine, 100% natural vitamin C.

Bursting with the proven goodness of fresh herbs and fruits, Pure Radiance Vitamin C capsules and powders combine timeless nutritional wisdom with modern innovation. These pure vitamin C supplements contain an exquisite blend of wildcrafted ingredients rich in vitamin C that safely and effectively provide you with the many benefits of this indispensable nutrient.

Key Ingredients

Wild camu camu berries- One of the world's richest source of natural vitamin C (30-50 times more than an orange!), our camu camu berries are wild harvested by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest and then gently juiced and dried to retain all their precious nutritional cargo. Your purchase not only supports your health, it also helps to preserve the planet's precious tropical ecosystem.

Organic amla berries- Organically grown in the Himalayan valleys, amla is the most revered and regenerative herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Called "Mother Nature" in India due to the myriad of medicinal properties they possess, amla berries are brimming with antioxidants including vitamin C, tannins and polyphenols, most notably ellagic acid

Organic blend of acerola, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries, rose hips, and lemon- The luminous blues, purples, and reds of the berries and rose hips in our organic fruit blend reflect what's buried within: natural pigments called flavonoids and anthocyanins which, alongside naturally occurring vitamin C, exhibit impressive antioxidant capacity to keep your body vital and well.

Organic buckwheat berry sprouts and black pepper berry extract- Buckwheat berry sprouts are an abundant source of naturally occurring rutin and quercetin, two very important vitamin C co-factors. Black pepper berry extract has been shown to improve the uptake of vitamin C in the body—making sure this important vitamin can make its way to all the cells throughout your body.

Supplement Facts


Serving Size: 1/4 rounded tsp (975 mg)

Servings per Container: 120

  Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin C (from organic fruit & berries blend) 180 mg 200%
Organic Fruit & Berries Blend 975 mg à

Camu Camu Berry Extract*, Manioc Root*, Acerola Cherry Extract*, Amla Berry Extract*, Buckwheat Berry Sprouts*, Freeze-Cried Berry Blend: Blueberry*, Raspberry*, Cranberry*, Cherry*, Rose Hips Fruit*, Lemon Peel*, Black Pepper Berry Extract

* Certified Organic
à Daily Value Not Established

Suggested Use: Take 1/4 rounded tsp of this natural Vitamin C powder once or twice daily, mixed in water or juice (with or without food)

No GMOs, Dairy or Gluten



Serving Size: 1 Capsule

Servings per Container: Capsules 90

  Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin C (from organic fruit & berries blend) 120 mg 130%
Organic Fruit & Berries Blend 650 mg à

Camu Camu Berry Extract*, Manioc Root*, Acerola Cherry Extract*, Amla Berry Extract*, Buckwheat Berry Sprouts*, Freeze-Cried Berry Blend: Blueberry*, Raspberry*, Cranberry*, Cherry*, Rose Hips Fruit*, Lemon Peel*, Black Pepper Berry Extract

* Certified Organic
à Daily Value Not Established

Other Ingredients: Vegetarian (pullulan) capsule

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule once or twice daily with or without food

No GMOs, Dairy or Gluten 


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I've read about studies showing that whole-food vitamin C and ascorbic acid are biochemically identical. How, then, can whole-food vitamin C be superior?

A. While it may be true that food-form ascorbic acid is biochemically indistinguishable from synthetic ascorbic acid, the advantage of taking a whole-food vitamin C goes far beyond the ascorbic acid portion of the vitamin. We have been led to look at ascorbic acid as true vitamin C, when, in reality, ascorbic acid is only one molecule out of the hundreds that make up food-form vitamin C. Food-form vitamin C provides your body with much more than just ascorbic acid. For example, our bodies require food-form vitamin C to manufacture collagen, which is like the glue that holds your body together. Our bodies do not get the pieces of the puzzle needed to manufacture collagen from ascorbic acid alone. As 100% food-form vitamin C, Pure Radiance C provides hundreds of components in addition to ascorbic acid.

Q. Is Pure Radiance C acidic?

A. No - unlike isolated and synthetic ascorbic acid (which is the form of vitamin C found in nearly all other vitamin C supplements), the berries of Pure Radiance C are very gentle on your stomach.

Q. Is the vitamin C in your Pure Radiance C more concentrated than the ascorbic acid in synthetic vitamin C?

A. Comparing amounts of ascorbic acid to the whole-food vitamin C in Pure Radiance C is a bit difficult because they are not really the same thing. Whole-food vitamin C is much more than ascorbic acid, as it is always connected to a multitude of other compounds wherever it is found in food sources. The health benefits we associate with vitamin C come not only from ascorbic acid, but also from the synergistic interaction of numerous phytonutrients, including bioflavonoids, polyphenols, catechins, anthocyanins, rutin, enzymes, and tyrosinase. Since Pure Radiance C is more bioavailable than isolated ascorbic acid and is more readily absorbed and recognized by your body due to the many cofactors present, it can be said to be more potent.

Q. How does Pure Radiance C powder taste?

A. The camu and acerola berries are harvested just before they are ripe, to obtain the highest content of natural vitamin C. Therefore, the resulting powder is very tart, not sweet, and while some of our customers enjoy the taste and eat the powder off a spoon, we do recommend mixing the product in water or juice.

Q. I am accustomed to taking vitamin C supplements that provide 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid. Why does Pure Radiance C provide only 120 mg of vitamin C?

A. It is not beneficial to take large doses of vitamin C-studies show that our bodies can absorb only about 200 mg of vitamin C at one time, and anything more is simply flushed out. For this reason, it is advisable to take vitamin C in moderate quantities several times a day, rather than all at once. This allows the body to maintain consistent tissue saturation levels. One serving of Pure Radiance C provides 120 mg of naturally occurring ascorbic acid (200% of the RDA), with the vitamin C cofactors making up most of the remaining 530 mg of the 650 mg serving size. To keep your cells saturated with vitamin C at all times, you can take two to three servings of Pure Radiance C divided over the course of a day. Frequent, moderate servings will supply a continuous source of vitamin C to your body. Many practitioners recommend taking 5 or more servings throughout the day when one has been exposed to, or is coming down with, a cold or other infection. Studies have shown enhanced immune response facilitated by adequate vitamin C consumption.

19 Reviews

  • Great vitamin

    Nov 21st 2019 | By Elsa


    I recommend this product so far the best vitamin C I've come across.

  • Best Vitamin C

    Feb 26th 2019 | By Karen Mahlen


    My holistic dentist recommended taking a quality powdered Vitamin C (and other natural remedies) to aid in healing after getting my tooth extracted. The suggested serving amount is 1/4 tsp daily. I have been taking 1 tsp daily until I am healed. I believe this product is the real deal and am just about to reorder a few more bottles for myself and to share with my daughters. I appreciate the powdered form because the dosage is easily adjustable depending on your needs, and what little taste there is when mixed with water, it is rather pleasant. It is especially beneficial during cold/flu season. I highly recommend!

  • Great product!

    Apr 8th 2018 | By Ashley


    Love it! Super high quality. About to purchase my third bottle.

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